Tuesday, June 21, 2011



I received an e-mail from Dr. Conrad Giles and Rabbi Steve Gutow; you probably received the same one. It was a mass mailed solicitation letter on JCPA's behalf following up on one sent pre-Pesach -- "last chance" to contribute $250 or more to JCPA (and ridiculous out of the Holiday context). It was serendipitous that it arrived shortly after I learned that the notorious JFNA Alliance had determined that to maintain the allocation to JTA at its current funding level, it would reduce funding to...the Foundation for Jewish Culture and the NCSJ rather than spreading that reduction equally among all of the funded national agencies.

Thus, in addition to JTA being supported at its current levels, so were the other largest funded national agencies -- the JCCA, Hillel, JESNA, the AFJCA and...JCPA. Many, if not all, of the national agencies which suffered no reduction in allocation through the Alliance's secret "process" have development staffs or consultants; hence the JCPA mail solicitation.

Does JFNA concern itself with this rogue fund raising by organizations that are the beneficiaries of our federation campaigns through the Alliance? Does it even know it's going on? (I do recall that about three years ago after one of CEO Rieger's failed fund raising attempts -- this one for the JFNA/JCPA partnership in the IAI -- he merely told JCPA to go out and raise the money itself.) Does it even care that (1) this is taking place and (2) if it knew or didn't, should JFNA's "leaders" not be concerned that JCPA is raising money during the critical time in almost all federation annual campaigns?

The Fact is "guess not."

On another note the JFNA Daily Media Guide now links to articles about George Soros!! WHY would that be? And does this Daily exercise really provide value?


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