Tuesday, November 2, 2010


> A JTA story on the GA was sent to me today.

>"Bloggers’ Alley
> By Jacob Berkman · November 1, 2010
> Because you asked…
> In this past week’s newsletter, I mentioned that the JFNA would have
> what they are calling “Bloggers Alley” at next week’s General Assembly
> (Nov. 7-9, New Orleans.). A number of folks have emailed asking
> exactly what that is, and sadly I could not answer.
> Ask and you shall receive.
> It seems that the JFNA has enlisted a number of bloggers-in-residence
> and has set aside a separate press room at the GA for them to work and
> for other bloggers at the GA to visit and utilize.
> Or in the JFNA’s own words:
> Bloggers' Avenue is one of the new elements being introduced at The
> Jewish Federations of North America's 2010 General Assembly. Organized
> by Rabbi Yonah Bookstein and the folks at Jewlicious, one of the
> leading Jewish blogs, this will be a dedicated blogger zone within the
> GA's main exhibit hall, with plenty of laptop tables, power outlets
> and energy drinks. The space will allow the bloggers-in-residence to
> interact with each other and other bloggers who drop by, and write
> posts both about the GA and about the kinds of cross-pollination that
> takes place when leaders of Jewish groups large and small gather to exchange ideas. The
> bloggers-in-residence will give informal talks about blogging and
> blogging techniques to attendees. The list of bloggers-in-residence
> includes David Abitbol (www.Jewlicious.com); Tanya Gutsol
> (www.jewlicious.ru and www.jewmd.org); David Kelsey
> (www.thekvetcher.net); Esther Kustanowitz (www.myurbankvetch.com);
> Benji Lovitt (www.whatwarzone.com) and Margot Stern (www.leadel.net).
> We've invited JTA's own Fundermentalist to drop by and share his
> wisdom as well. Stop by Bloggers Avenue at any time during the GA,
> then come to the NOLAISM (New Orleans Innovation and Social Media) Schmooze-up Monday night."

Quite clearly this Blogger's invitation to the Alley (or the Avenue, as it is variously described) was lost in the mail. I won't be a GA "blogger-in-residence." I won't be attending the NOALISM Schmooze. My loss.



  1. Obviously, you just aren't prolific enough to make the cut. I suggest you start tweeting with abandon.

  2. What, no UJ Thee on Blogger's Alley?

  3. Paraphrasing the great Groucho Marx, I suspect RW would never want to be part of a group of JFNA bloggers that would want him as a participant.

  4. J = Just
    F = Follies
    N = Nonessential
    A = Activity

    G = Going
    A = Awry
