Monday, August 9, 2010


My bad. I apologize. A six month delay in the consideration of the Knesset Bill was " important victory for the Jewish People." How do I know that now? Because Kathy Manning told me so -- of course, she announced it to the JFNA Board and the Federations in a Report on JFNA's Conversion Bill Response. It's right there in black and white -- "[I]n July the Jewish Federations of North America helped secure an important victory for the Jewish People around the world." So, I was very, very wrong when I wrote "VICTORY" -- NOT SO FAST. It was a "victory;" Kathy told us so.

It's probably only a coincidence that "victory" was declared on the same day that Israel's Chief Rabbi wrote in the New York Times that this law is none of the business of Diaspora Jewry echoing MK David Rotem the Bill's sponsor, in almost identical language. One of my friends asked: "What will (JFNA) say when it comes up again?"

Again, Jerry Silverman deserves every plaudit for his work second-chairing the Jewish Agency Executive Chair, Natan Sharansky. But, Kathy's message, important in its detail of just what Jerry has done, failed wholly to describe what JFNA is doing now; and what JFNA will be doing over the months ahead until the Bill is again before the Knesset.


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