Friday, July 9, 2010


How many times on these pages have we suggested to JFNA Board Chair Kathy Manning and CEO Jerry Silverman that JFNA recreate the federations' Oak Brook, Illinois "Retreat" convening federation leaders, academics, the Streams and thought leaders from outside the system? I count five times. And how many times have we been ignored...I would guess...five times. A leading thought leader, Steve Windmueller had an even more detailed construct for JFNA -- he was ignored as well.

So who/what is holding a Future of Jewish Nonprofit Summit? Well, it ain't JFNA. With confirmed speakers ranging from "Eliyahu HaGiloni, Prophet, ProphetWanderer," to Kosha Dillz, Rapper, Shamspeed Records. (I am not making this up), to Steve Clark, SVP, British Airways (?), Rabbi Motti Seligman, Media Relations, Chabad, to Wiliam Daroff (you know him -- apparently invited as the major Tweeter in the Jewish nfp world), it should be interesting and very "cutting edge."

I know -- many of you still think that I am making this up -- oh you skeptics -- go to and read the speakers list, the Schedule and register -- then attend and hear Daroff serve on a Panel on "Social Media Successes;" and see the Topics Currently Planned including "Government Data Opening While Jewish Data Is Closing" (huh?), "How to Hire, Fire & Motivate. Plus the Gen Y Phenomenon" (this is a must just to observe how these topics are tied together); and other even more relevant Topics. If you don't wish to go to the website, just tweet William Daroff.

I know -- I am a dinosaur but, Jeez, Kosher Dillz, Rapper, and William Daroff?? Forget I ever suggested a leadership conclave -- this is the real GA.



  1. and the sponsors? non profit? for profit? astroturf savvy entrepreneurs making a buck off of an unformed emerging market? But the twittering phenom does rack up those frequent flyer miles!

  2. sponsors: for profit

  3. Further uptown from the site of this gathering the New York Jewish Federation announces in e-jewish philanthropy an increased campaign - results of less tweets, more parlour meetings and maybe some meaningful programs or services locally and Israel I would guess. Maybe you are right richard and Federations aren't terminal.

  4. Thanks for the coverage :) Let me know if you want to chat more about our event offline.

    Dave [at]

  5. Panel: Social Media Successes in Jewish Non Profit
    Susanne Rosenhouse, NJOP | @JewishTweets
    William Daroff, JFNA
    Andy Neusner, Jewish Heroes
    Motti Seligson, Chabad Lubavitch

    People will pay $495 for a one day conference to hear JFNA tell all how successful the Jewish Heroes initiative was (complete of course with a Chabad respondent)? Now THAT is fundraising!!

  6. It is sponsored by a non-profit. I think it is great that JFNA is so well-thought-of that they would have two experts speak. Maybe Richard could speak about blogging?

  7. All,

    You have all cracked me up!! This Post was published as a "compare and contrast" GA vs. Jewish Institute. But each of you picked up on the contrast. Thanks.

    As to the suggestion that I might be asked to speak on "Jewish blogging" at Thye Jewish Nonprofit Summit -- I'm holding out for an invitation from JFNA (but not holding my breath).

  8. At $495. for this one day conference, the GA is a bargain!

    (both are seriously overpriced)

    Also why are JFNA professionals speaking on 'company time ' for this for-profit venture?

  9.'s $495 but there is a chance for some take home value. For example, if William Daroff returns to the hallways of JFNA having learned at the feet of Kosha Dillz how to rap, how great would that be?! Would he learn that for $625 at the GA? Not a chance.

  10. What's all this talk about it being for-profit? The Jewish Institute is a non-profit, and is the sponsor.

  11. If he does learn that, he becomes this year's GA headline entertainer!

  12. The Jewish Institute, according to their website, has applied for 501(c)3 status. Assuming they follow through, and the IRS approves, they will be a nonprofit at some future point. They are not now.

    If the event co-sponsor, PluggedIn, is a nonprofit, it's not indicated anyplace on their website.

  13. Friends,

    "For profit"/"not for profit" was not the point of this Post. In fact, to me it's not even relevant.

  14. Richard,

    Would love for you to join us at the Summit if you can.

    Email me so I can set you up:


    Dave Weinberg
    Executive Director
    The Jewish Institute
