Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well JFNA is nothing if not defensive about its own ideas -- good or bad. I guess that's a good thing...maybe not...particularly if that defensiveness is cloaked in "attitude." The JFNA Board really liked...really liked...the presentation at its meeting yesterday on #ish -- the latest new, new thing. 10,000 hits claimed on the ish website, otherwise intelligent people incorporating ish into their presentations to the point of a curious and unfunny redundancy.

Now, here is my suggestion: can #ish, shut it down. Merely circulate I Am A Jew, the upbeat work of a variety of young Israeli musicians. You can find it on YouTube or at //blogs.jta.org/telegraph/article/2010/05/11/2394761/im-a-jew. 50,000 hits to date I'm told.


1 comment:

  1. 150,000! and counting:

