Sunday, May 23, 2010


The JFNA Board, at its meetings today and tomorrow in Jersey City (or somewhere in New Jersey), will approve the JFNA 2010-2011 Budget with accolades for the "process" (there was none that measured up to any federation budget process) and the result. The accolades go so far as one JFNA leader calling it "the best process ever" at the JFNA Executive -- either that person is running for higher office or his federation's budget process is really verklempt.

In fact, the Budget is brilliant!! It offers not a clue as to what much of the $30.3 million will actually be spent on a line item by line item basis. It appears that JFNA views $30.3 million as fungible -- we already know that there are some federation leaders who believe the Budget to be beyond question. It is as opaque as a brick wall when the federations have been called upon themselves for greater transparency and when JFNA leaders have demanded greater transparency from JAFI and JDC.

Let's look at some of the brilliance:

~ The "staffing complement (sic)" has been reduced to achieve a savings of $300,000; yet, "[A] pool for promotions and increases was budgeted for $391,000." So, while your federation has to continue furloughs and lay-offs, JFNA is allocating a portion of your Dues to salary increases. Must have had a good year.

~ The "federation consulting fund" which yielded much-trumpeted small grants to federations was cut by $100,000 to $300,000. Why -- " allow for a full evaluation of the Fund's effectiveness..." Huh?

~ To "prove" that the 2009 FLI (you remember that flop???) had some value, apparently at the demand of the Board Chair, $250,000 was added to the Budget for a "global planning table." (If you can figure out why a global planning table [teak, cherry wood, plywood?) is valued at $250,000, you may be eligible for one of those grants from the federation consulting fund. Then, again, perhaps, JFNA had planned to send JAFI and the Joint off to a "Planning Table" much as they were cast off to ONAD ;

~ Because some minuscule group of JFNA "insiders" demanded it, $75,000 will be allocated to secure JFNA's "seat" at the Sheatufim table (and don't forget that you have already spent $750,000 on Sheatufim for what appears to have had no ROI). Oh, hold on -- at Sheatufim, our leaders rub arms with a few Israeli philanthropists, and speak at their programs...and, and, someone at JFNA committed the organization to a five-year $250,000 per annum grant (with no authority to do so, so $75,000 (down from $250,000) is a real deal;

~ There is a $400,000 "contingency fund" with no requirement of Executive Committee action to approve its expenditure;

~ There is no Budget support for the New Orleans GA -- a $500,000 Budget savings -- with no real explanation of where those funds will be found -- other than we have a new meetings manager "which will seek to increase sponsorship revenues." Yikes.

~ There are 19 pages of "Priority Programs" and another 38 pages of "Other Programs" (OY!!) with pretty specific narratives by category -- "Program Name, Description, Basis for Activity, Outcomes (this year and Next)" but no detail whatsoever...that's no detail whatsoever...on the attributable cost by Program.

~ And no one seems to care that the Budget makes no revenue assumptions or projections. Even as JFNA knows of multiple federations (at least 10 and probably many, many more) will not pay full Dues in 2010, JFNA just sends out "payment plans" and believes they will be met this year. So, if your federation owes, say $650,000 in unpaid 2009-10 Dues, JFNA expects you to pay this year. As I have indicated elsewhere, this is fantasy-land stuff.

Please read your copy of the Budget -- if you get one. Questions are in order -- they even ask them at Budget and allocations meetings in New York.


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