Tuesday, December 1, 2009


An apology is due.

Some of you may note that I have deleted my Post Is There A Penalty For Only Some For a Failure to pay Dues? from the Blog. I have done so because those at The Jewish Federations of North America in whom I have absolute trust have assured me that I was 100% incorrect about the unnamed federation I cited in that Post. I deeply regret that the Post appeared to some to have impugned a number of federations and officers of our national system. I mistakenly and regretfully trusted in the data I had been sent and that was stupid and wrong on my part in every possible way.

The federation about which I wrote is and has been current in its dues payments since the Financial Relations Committee and that federation entered into an agreement with regard to Dues, allocations and receivables earlier this century.



  1. Appreciate the corrected post and the apology.

    But, why won't Jewish Federations of North America release the dues/fair share spreadsheets? This has nothing to do with the issue about that one Federation from your original post, but a broader issue about true transparancey.

  2. In this day and age it is unconscionable for a non-profit, and an umbrella organization at that, to not practice full transparency in its financial dealings.

    Even my golf club and university posts delinquent accounts.

    I appreciate that some communities have extraordinary circumstances and I would expect that JFNA would take those situations into consideration in a compassionate and strategic way.

    I do not know how I can vote for my community's allocation to JFNA dues without full disclosure of the other member's fair share and payments.

    Fair is fair.
