Monday, November 2, 2009


Just to update you:

~ Our dear friend and great leader, Chicago's Lester Rosenberg (see Post, "Lester"), six months after a devastating auto accident, has returned home where he will continue his therapy as an out-patient. His wonderful friend and professional partner, Chicago's Campaign Director, Beth Cherner, wrote, Lester "...has come back 100% mentally (and was) and inspiration to the staff at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and his visitors." Lester's incredible will, the unbelievable support group that is his family -- especially Norma -- and a great group of doctors, surgeons and therapists, and your prayers, have brought this wonderful news. This week Lester will participate in the Jewish Federation's Board Meeting by phone.

~ In case you missed it, the Wall Street Journal this past Saturday plastered the front page with a monumental story on the relocation of 60 Yemeni Jews to Monsey, New York and environs. $750,000 of federation money allegedly was raised (and spent?) on this stupefying effort. Why "stupefying?" Read the article and think about it; or read the UJC:The Federations of North America Leadership Briefing" on the subject. And, remember, this effort began with no consultation with JAFI (or JDC) and without any governance process. Glad the 60 are here; hope the story didn't jeopardize the remnant Jewish community in Yemen. As one of the leaders I most respect wrote: "This is what we work for??!!"

~ The great thought leader, the brilliant and irascible Michael Steinhardt spoke at a Birthright Conference last week. He excoriated his audience in some impromptu remarks for their laissez-faire approach to Jewish organizational life and closed with the following admonition: "(Be) nice and polite and get nowhere." Yet, as Michael knows, that's exactly where Jewish organizational leaders want their flock to be -- "nice and polite."



  1. Figures that you'd lionize a schmuck like Steinhardt. Regardless of the good he has done with a small portion of his ill begotten wealth, people would be well served to disregard anything he has to say about integrity or morality. I'd sooner take life advice from a five-year old.

  2. Thank you so much about the update about Lester Rosenberg. He is an amazing person and a role model lay leader. There are so many people who care about him and wish him well.

  3. Dear "Anonymous" -- your Comment is so pitiful. I printed it only to illustrate how bitter some correspondents are.

  4. Between the tone and language of your other anonymous commentator and the publicly insulting contempt Mr. Steinhardt always goes out of his way to show for the Federation movement there has to be a third way. Neither should be allowed to bully their way to respect and attention -- however big their title, check or bank account.


  5. I met Lester Rosenberg on a mission many years ago. I was a lay leader from a small community sitting in the back of the bus not really knowing anyone. He sat down and spoke with me for an hour and spent time with me throughout the entire mission sharing his thoughts and experiences. What a lovely, kind, gentleman. Please send him best regards for a complete recovery. What a menche!
