Friday, October 9, 2009


In less than a month's time, The Jewish Federations of North America will join together in a celebration of our unity and Peoplehood at the GA/DC 09. I have kidded about it, but I have always felt that the General Assembly should be the most important national event on our system's annual calendar. With the input that Dede and Ken Feinberg asked of us in re programming, with the National Women's Philanthropy, PG & E and New Presidents and Executives Seminars alone, this would be an event worth attending. There is always the possibility that the President/Vice-President may show, the annual "will the Prime Minister be there in person" question (or will it be, once again, the amazing President Shimon Peres). Fresh faces of emerging leaders will emerge out of federation leadership. The GA can (and often does) offer so much.

Sure, things could be a lot better -- promoting an American Idol personality's attendance doesn't do much for me; a "mini-Jewish Film Festival" is nice; $80 per person lunches and $47 per person breakfasts (of coffee, bagels, cream cheese and Danish) are incredibly offensive; a GA Hotel offering $267 per night room rates (the "special GA rate" for a standard room is particularly over-priced when practically across the street a major hotel offers a rate of $150/room and $170 for a Junior Suite) raises all kind of questions; the announcement of our Jewish Hero; four weeks before the event (October 9 to be exact) there should be meat on the bones of a Program that lacked almost all specifics; and a GA Registration fee of $650 (if you registered by early last month), off-putting. This year, close your eyes and imagine a GA that is all about and totally focused upon, the Federations...and that should be a good thing.

But, with all of the above, even without sizzle, the GA will be compelling, even if only for the hallway conversations, the energy, the possibilities of new, energized leadership, the friendships renewed. It is, as always, the place to be if you can be there.

Enjoy, network, learn, experience...

Chag sameach.



  1. What about an evening with:

    Yitz Greenberg, David Hartman, Leonard Fein, Danny Gordis, Joe Telushkin, Dennis Prager, Alan Dershowitz, Joe lieberman....


  2. Paul,

    While that would be a home run, many of those named charge significantly for their appearances. The Jewish Federations of North America's GA Budget constraints would impact. Nonetheless, among them names you've suggested and certainly others, a very exciting program could ensue...

  3. Richard, I'd like to think, considering the unbelievable challenges we face, that Jerry could get most, if not all, to waive their honorariums...

  4. Anonymous 2 -Actually I think there are limits that senators and political figures holding office can charge.

  5. Another panel thought:

    All living past chairs of UJC/UJA/CJF....

    You could probably even charge extra... :-)

    Chag Samayach...
