Thursday, October 22, 2009


The Jewish Federations of North America recently began to publish The Fact of the Week. Here is the first "Fact" that I read:

UJC/The Jewish Federations of North America supports ORT India, which recently opened a new Computer Center in Imphal, Manipur. The center offers advanced vocational training to members of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community to help prepare them for the modern job market.

OK. We would probably agree that this is not the most critical of "facts," but it is nice. One of my correspondents asked: "Is the 'fact' factual? What does 'support' mean?" So, we asked around. Best we can tell is that a new word has been added to the lexicon of what is now named (or will be by action of the UJC Board in November) The Jewish Federations of North America -- that word is "supports" (singular "support"). "Supports" doesn't mean, as you might otherwise conclude, "funds" (as a verb) in the context of this Fact. No, "supports" means "endorses" -- as in, no money for you.

That's my sad "fact of the week."



  1. We should be fair. Some campaign dollars do end up in real financial support for ORT so Federations do have some talking rights in regard to this program. (It's the positive flip side of the overhead issue.)

    The real "sad" fact is that our national agency PR people are reducing a near billion dollar campaign to a single "nice" program.

    Small ball scores some runs but the fans come out to see Howard and A-Rod hit it out of the park.

  2. To the "unpublished Anonymous" -- I don't quite know what to do with your Comment to this Post (although it had to deal with an earlier Post). At your direction, however, I won't publish it and we'll check it out.

