Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today is the first day of the rest of Jerry Silverman's professional life. Today Jerry takes the reins as UJC's President and Chief Executive Officer. His will be a daunting task. He must learn the complexities that drive 157 federations while simultaneously pulling UJC itself from the depths to which it has fallen. And he must do so, at least over the next two months, while the sitting Board Chair and the leaders that person has put in place continue to push him in directions the federations have already rejected. Jerry will need all the strengths he demonstrated to the Search Committee...and more.

This week UJC's current "leadership" will convene in two meetings (the first, the "insider" lay Executive Council [or whatever it is called] -- the "insider group" that has been calling the scatter shots that has put UJC in the position it currently holds -- and then a more expansive small group) to help Silverman "understand" -- what, exactly? How they created the mess? Or how well they perceive UJC is doing?

Hands have reached out to Silverman since the Search ended offering advice and counsel. But, as with anyone taking on a position of this importance, with all of their help, Jerry will still have to find his own way if UJC is to succeed as it must...and it must succeed. As one of my friends said last week: "The Jewish community is too precious to be squandered as it has been." How right he is.

UJC has been rudderless for far too long; it has lacked a consistent and meaningful vision; it has wandered off in directions that have undermined its potential relevance; it has failed to both lead and follow...it has staggered aimlessly in an organizational fog. Jerry must simply say: "No more" and lead us out into the light. Those meetings this week would be a good place to start.

So, Jerry, we wish you great success. "Hope rises...and the cause endures."


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