Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Some of you are probably anticipating that I am going to preface this Post with an ancient joke about lawyers that end with the three word title above...but, no. I am referring to the meetings that have been convened over these past weeks by Jerry Silverman and Kathy Manning. For these meetings offer hope for a "reboot" of The Jewish Federations of North America.

The first of these meetings were those that Jerry Silverman convened or requested with federations of many City-sizes on his self-described "listening tour" even before he began his new position on 9/8. I am certain that Jerry has an incredible amount of information to digest, some of it conflicting but all of it consistent on one salient point -- the leadership with whom he met all want a strong national organization -- and I am equally assured that Jerry has already begun to sort it out.

Then came meetings two weeks ago convened by the outgoing leadership with the current UJC leaders -- first a morning meeting with an "insiders group" and then a later meeting with what UJC describes as its leadership. I assume these meetings were to acquaint Jerry with the lay people he will be working with most closely -- at least until November -- and the programmatic areas they "lead." Jerry, welcome to the small group that has positioned UJC to...well, put UJC in the position that it is in.

Then there are the meetings in New York called by Kathy Manning for today, September 23, and tomorrow. First, a meeting of UJC's Executive Committee focused, at least in part, one would hope upon the horrific condition of overseas allocations and cash. Then, tomorrow a.m. a meeting to which JDC and JAFI have been invited presumably to discuss the devastated and deteriorating allocation and cash circumstances and, I presume, a closer working relationship.There is something so different -- an approach that welcomes the Joint and Agency into the room on issues affecting them -- different and refreshing. While I offer my congratulations to Kathy, Jerry and Michael, it appears that Joe Kanfer has usurped the "leadership" role for the meeting Kathy called for tomorrow morning. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Add to this start point a By-Law change that would restructure the membership of the Budget & Finance Committee to be exclusively the province of the Federation lay leadership as voting members. (Not to pat myself on the back too hard, but I suggested this at a meeting of the Budget & Finance Committee at the Toronto GA, followed up with a letter to the Committee Chair and UJC CEO...and was ignored. Never too late for a food idea ... or maybe it is too late. You be the judge.)

As I said -- a good start. As a great President said so long ago: "fondly do we hope...fervently do we pray."



  1. Our Federation is still waiting for a simple email of introduction, good wishes for the upcoming year, or a statement that there is a "new sheriff in town." We've received none. A mere mail merge with a personalized greeting would have addressed all of the issues.

    While there seems to be change underway (wouldn't know except for your column), and it is very exciting to hear about the inclusion of our overseas partners at the "get go," life (as it relates to the crystal palace) goes on as "business as usual" out here in the field.

    Gmar chatimah tovah

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for writing. I know that Jerry Silverman sent out a Greeting last week. Maybe it didn't reach your federation; maybe it wan't wjat you had in mind -- but I believe you will find this new administration sensitive to oversights.

    G'mar tov,

  3. It's so fun to watch Richard's nose turn brown as he angles for another leadership position at UJC!

  4. I received two Comments back-to-back -- the one immediately above (which suggests that this "Anonymous" midget doesn't know me very well, or at all); and a secoond one which gratuitously attacks Jerry Silverman and which I have rejected. The rejecy=ted Comment is probably form one who has written me before stating that I am guilty of Lashon ha'ra.
