Friday, September 4, 2009


Many of us received the poignant letter that follows. Don't delay. Please follow the plea of Noam and Aviva Shalit. There is no time to waste.

Gilad Is Still Alive!!!!

Dear Friend

We, Noam and Aviva Shalit, residents of Mizpeh Hila in Israel, parents of Gilad Shalit, are appealing to you, Jews of the United States, with an emotional request from the depths of our heart.

With the coming new Jewish year, with the month of Elul to begin, we want to ask each and every Jew who lives in the United States to feel, think, and devote a number of moments for our son Gilad.

About five years ago our son Gilad was inducted into the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), and like every soldier Gilad swore to be loyal to his homeland and to do his best for the State of Israel.

We, as parents, sent our son to defend the State and its citizens, since this is how it should be. However, after two years we were informed that our son Gilad was kidnapped into the Gaza strip by the Hamas organization, which is recognized as a terrorist organization. He is kept in complete isolation from the outside world, without any basic human rights.

Gilad is in captivity and Gilad is still alive! We have no idea whether you can feel and understand the concept of captivity, but certainly each one of you can understand the meaning of freedom, the right to freedom that was stolen from you, the right to live as a person.

We have made our life a struggle for Gilad Shalit, we are doing everything possible for this cause.

We are recruiting the citizens of the State of Israel, leaders around the world, politicians, rabbis and many others. However, we are still fighting to receive=2 0a real sign of life from the Red Cross, we are fighting for his rights according to international law.

Every Jew around the world, and in America in particular, has a real motive to lead a peace process in the Middle East and as a friend of Israel can influence the process of Gilad̢۪s release and put pressure on the Red Cross.

Like every family, we want to celebrate the New Year holiday with Gilad, at home, in Mizpeh Hila. Perhaps this is in your hands?

We are asking each and every Jew in America to contact the Red Cross, by email and by telephone, and ask what is going on with our Gilad, and to contact the President of the USA, Barack Obama.
ICRC headquarters in GenevaPostal addressInternational Committee of the Red Cross19 Avenue de la PaixCH 1202 Geneva President Barack H Obama

The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NYWashington, D.C. 20500USA

In addition, please sign the petition that calls for the release of Gilad Shalit. The petition is found at our official website: Please also send your information to: (Dr. Hadar)

Each one of you can be a partner in the campaign to bring Gilad home.

This participation fulfills the incomparable religious commandment of redeeming the captives and will benefit you for the coming New Year.

I wish you a Shana Tova.

Noam and Aviva Shalit"

Write now....right now.


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