Tuesday, August 25, 2009


In my Post earlier today, I forgot to mention...I had an affair with Bernie Madoff, too. Oh, wait a second, that was the former CFO for Hadassah's admission that in light of her new book -- I Really, Really, Really Had An Affair with Bernie Madoff -- it was timely to announce that she allegedly had a 20 year (+/-) affair with allegedly penis-deprived Bernie Madoff a portion of which over-lapped Hadassah's investment in the Madoff "fund." How coincidental and stupid. Here is a person who stood up in Court prior to Madoff's sentencing to condemn his criminality -- she must have forgotten the lengthy (and, apparently unsatisfactory) "tryst." With the Madoff Trustee considering a claw-back of "profits" received by non-profits from their Madoff "investments." this publicity and the reality it portrays, if that, cannot be anything but more bad news for Hadassah.

Then I read that Ruth Madoff co-produced a book -- The Great Chefs Cook Kosher.... in 1996 (still available at Amazon for $74 [must be some great recipes]). (No, the Madoffs did not keep a Kosher home.) Get your copy while you can.

I suppose these are "good for the Jews?" Or not?



  1. Wow...who'd have thought that Ron Jeremy would be the new Jewish role model?

  2. update comment on UJC's Jewish Community Heroes poll... seems Chabad knows how to get the vote out and their community activists are dominating the voting... of course these folk do wonderful work but readers and observers can decide for themselves what to make of it...both as a reflection of the Jewish grass roots and the goals of the contest
