Monday, August 3, 2009




We are proud to announce that after a three and one-half year search, the Jewish Federation of Ujiah County has engaged Father Andy McAndy as its new President and CEO. "It was an arduous Search, but after seven professionals turned us down, we got ourselves the perfect fit," Search Committee Chair Sally McArthur said. "We have a person, a real Father figure, to lead us forward at this critical time. We looked for someone outside the box and Father Andy is definitely it!"

Father McAndy has a long-time interest in the community having led the Ujiah County Parish for twenty years before he left the Church. (The allegations have not been proved and the indictment was dismissed.) Father McAndy will bring new, "outside the box" thinking to the Federation campaign. "We told the Search Committee that we have plans for a broad-based Campaign starting with Bingo Night which was so successful at our Church of the Bleeding Heart here in the Parish." Sally McArthur noted that "Father McAndy will bring his great exposure -- uh, wrong word -- over his many trips to Israel as a means to inspire the federated community." "Yes," Father McAndy said, "I have been to the Holy Land on countless pilgrimages. I hope within the first weeks my flock -- make that my Board Members -- will join me on, what do you call it, a 'mission?' -- to the Holy Land -- what do you call it, 'Israel?' to see the Church of the Loaves and Fishes, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Capernaum and get a new view of the meaning of the Mount of Olives and the Stations of the Cross." Asked how all that relates to the Federation, Father Andy asserted: "Well, in this economy we need to take 2 loaves and 5 fishes and feed 5,000, don't we?"

Federation President, Sally McArthur, asserted: "The national Search team couldn't have been better. We told them what we wanted, and look what we got. We could have chosen someone who knows the federation system, someone who has led a federation to success, someone even Jewish, but that's not what we were looking for -- we wanted someone who would think 'outside the box' and we sure got one. They gave us valuable guidance all the way through the process."

As an additional service, national will provide an interim CEO during Father McAndy's civil trial slated to begin in October.

Another job well done.



  1. This post is unfair and nasty.

    As soon as I get off the floor and stop laughing - I will set you straight and tell you a thing or two.

    You forgot to mention that the previous CEO is not leaving the building and therefore the new CEO, even when his trial is over, may not have clear lines of authority. Oops, wrong city.

    Good that we can stil laugh at ourselves. Of course, somebody has to laugh at us. Don't they?

  2. Sorry, but I don't think parody's your strong suit. Maybe you need a few more nights of John Stewart.

    BTW, do you really think the federations are such esoteric organizations that no one from the outside can come in and do a good job leading one? I think that on the whole we benefit from having executives with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

  3. Look, since the three Federation geniuses who led UJC since its inception did such a great job developing the UJC Vision and getting such magnificent Federation commitment maybe it's better to give the guy with the running shoe history a crack at it. At leat he can high tail it out of there on wings of feet (or some striding right metaphoric)

  4. ah you left out Richard that an addditional reason for the executive choice was the close and successful working relationship of the candidate with a syndicate of foundations led by the Corleone Family Trust of NY and Las Vegas NV.

  5. To the various "Anonymouses:"

    Agreed that parody is not a strength. I am trying to make it one.

    We do nedd to take a breath from time to time and "have a laugh" -- pity some are unable to do so.

    Those of you who know me well know that I believe that bringing in a new face with new ideas and a fresh outlook to serve as an organizational CEO can work...but only, as those of you who don't know me may have gleaned from these Posts, if those who are brought in understand the core values that make federation unique and give federatuions (and UJC) strength.

  6. $750,000 per year for silverman? seriously?! where do they go from there? a failing org. and a new CEO with NO track record in the federation world. so much for fiscal responsibility!

    what do you think about this???
