Monday, July 13, 2009


Yisroel Schulman has again asked that what appears to be his response to my earlier Post on parts of an UJC Confidential Memo be published. Pleased to comply:

"Concerning the initiative to help Yemenites desiring to move to the US, I wish to make it clear that the laity and professionals involved are not affiliated, organized, controlled or managed by the Satmar ultra-Orthodox sect. In addition, the local 'cash and in-kind contributions' for this endeavor (were) fundraised from thousands of Northeastern donors concerned about this vulnerable population and not from any particular group or organization."

I know Yis to be a sincere and committed philanthropist. But, really, the genesis for this entire "rescue/relocation" was the Satmar leaders intervention with the President and administration as reported in the Forward before the infamous Rieger Memo identifying the Satmar as UJC's "partner." If the Satmar are out and the Yemenite Jews arriving in Monsey and Rockland County will have true "freedom of choice" as to housing and location, certain critical questions will have been answered. The remaining threshold question remains: is it UJC's "mission" to fund "rescue" anywhere other than Israel? And should such a momentous decision be made with no process whatsoever?


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