Monday, March 16, 2009


Earlier today I struck the "Publish Post" button in error and thereby published a commentary on a matter that I was not yet prepared to Post because of the need for further editing, among other things. When my erroneous albeit inadvertent publication was brought to my attention, I redacted the Blog and pulled the Post. Before I could so, however, my biggest fans, the audience now ensconced at 25 Broadway (how's the decorating and furnishing coming, by the way?), had put the Post "in play" circulating it themselves, hither and yon, as they saw fit.

Who knows, perhaps, I was about to edit in some complimentary material about UJC on the matters covered within the Post. (For your reference later, when I do finally publish, the Post in question is titled AND, NOW, A NEW "PARTNER." It is about the emerging "partnership between UJC and the Satmars.)

So, thanks, you guys at UJC for increasing our circulation and, most probably, increasing the Blog's circulation when I do post the emerging story of UJC and the Satmars. But, most of all, thanks for reading -- just a question, how were your "reading comprehension" scores on the SAT?



  1. you are dangerous; anyone who provides you information is potentially conspiring to kill jews; you may think only ujc staff read your blog - but once you press send, the whole world can see it; this is not like your little manual typewriter, where you can throw out the rough drafts and start anew; i'm sure there's a place in hell for jews who kill other jews -- maybe you will see fellow capos there -- jews who for their own survival or sense of self-importance thought so little of the lives of other jews that they became part of the nazi killing machine; but, i'm sure you will feel comfortable with more of your ilk -- who don't care who they take down or who they murder, so long as they feel like their fans appreciate them. you may be responsible for the murder of the last remnants of yemin's jews -- do you even care? i'm sure not, because at least you turned the phrase so well and made your friends look smart and your enemies look bad; for the sake of world jewry, please leave us alone; please follow the bulls or the cubs and fixate on their weaknesses -- at least then real people would not be murdered due to your self-inflated egomaniacal psychopathic excesses...

  2. what fans? paul jesser? please...
    this lunatic wexler has no fans. i'd love to see him print some of the voluminous "mail" he receives daily from his supporters. what a crock of s$%t
