Friday, February 20, 2009


Each day UJC offers a new and fresh opportunity for either hysterical laughter or hysterical screams. Here is yesterday's as it was sent:


To: Federation Presidents
Federation Executive Directors

From: Michael Gelman, Treasurer

Date: February 19, 2009

RE: UJC Budget


At the Federation Leadership Institute, UJC's Leadership committed that by the end of February, federations would be informed of the expected budget for UJC so that they could plan their allocations accordingly. UJC's Leadership, the Coordinating Council and the Budget & Finance Committee which included representatives from all the city sizes, approved a target budget that would be reduced by approximately 10% for the fiscal year July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

Please use this as a guide for planning in your upcoming allocations processes. This amount is an approximation, which could change slightly as the budget is further developed.

If you have any questions please contact us."


Are you laughing? Consider yourselves "informed" and "make your plans accordingly." While your federation cuts its budget by 25% and more, remember that your national institution, which does so much for you, "approximates" that it will cut by 10%. Why not "act accordingly?"

Shabbat shalom.


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