Friday, November 28, 2008


Lots going on...little of it encouraging. In the coming weeks:

~ Making Deals -- The saga of UJC leaders' Fair Share Dues deals without authorization continues.

~ UJC and the Detroit Lions -- Comparisons abound. See if you agree. For those of our readers who either don't understand professional football or could care less about the sport, a brief primer will be provided.

~ Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers -- UJC engages law firms in Israel and New York. Why? How much is being spent without authorization? And, again...why? Whose interests are being served?
~ The Federations -- Taking Control? -- At long last, the federations, in growing numbers, are telling UJC's "leaders" "stop wasting our money" asking them "while we cut our budgets and staff, why does UJC continue to act like it's business as usual?" And, what has been this leadership's response to its federation owners, if any?

~ The UIA, UJC and the Jewish Agency for Israel -- A post-Chairmanship perspective on institutional relationships and how a know-nothing UJC lay leadership can wreak havoc on an historic partnership. A cautionary tale for the UJC Search and Nominating Committees.

Many of you have taken the time to write with your own reflections on GA08. Most, if not all, expressed their sadness with the "wasted opportunity," the failure to focus on the United States economy in any public way. Others assured me that these matters were discussed within the Executives/Presidents meetings -- and discussed forcibly with UJC there. Others wrote me as did one FOB: " a veteran of every GA since (the 70's) I agree with everything you have said. It is sad. The sessions were more a of a chore than a means of exciting us and recharging the batteries as they used to." I have every hope that with a change of leaders next year's GA in Washington can provide us with inspiration, passion and meaning.

Unfortunately, it is once again "wait 'till next year."

Shabbat shalom.


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