Sunday, September 28, 2008


To the Friends of the Blog and your families, may you enjoy a sweet New Year -- a shana tova u'metukah. May it be for all of you and yours, a year of good health, and may the New Year usher in Peace for our People, for our Country and for Israel.


  1. Hey Ostrich calling the kettle black,

    Three weeks ago I posted this comment in response to your "fundamentally wrong" post -- and as expected, you are too chicken to respond. So, at the risk of having you show all of us your petard, here it is again:

    repjew-order said...
    Speaking of fundamental wrongness, and you avoiding sacred cows -- like that your own federation in Chicago are the strongest supporters in the system of Rieger and UJC -- why no mention of this piece by your pet Berkman?

    Jewish non-profits in Chi-town pay top dollars to top execs

    The CEOs and other top professionals at several Chicagoland Jewish organizations ranked near the top of a list of 2007 compensation packages that the business publication [Crain's Chicago] made public in August.

    Steven Nasatir of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago was slotted 10th ($565,116).

    On the list of mid-level executives, several of Nasatir’s lieutenants at the Chicago federation ranked high:

    Michael Kotzin, the executive vice president was second on the second-tier list ($578,777)*, and Michael Tarnoff, another executive vice president, ranked 11th ($429,638).

    September 16, 2008 9:52 PM

  2. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Any rational person who has studied the 990 "disclosures" undertands that the requirements, including "Grossing up" deferred compensation and deferred pension benefits, wouldn't be asking these questions. You, however, would, even as you mix metaphors. I, however, admit, that I haven't been called both a "chicken" and an "ostrich" in a single paragraph. You must operate an interesting zoo.

    Yes, my federation is among the strongest supporters of UJC and Rieger. The difference -- we tolerate different points of view in Chicago; this is on of our communal strengths. How about yours?

    Have a good Year and G'mar hatima tovah.
