Thursday, May 8, 2008


Israel at 60!!

Who among us does not remember our first visit to our beloved Israel -- whether that visit was last week or 25 years ago or more? Who among us has not thrilled seeing Israel through the eyes of our children or grandchildren or through the eyes of a Mission participant seeing Israel for the first time? Who among us does not experience Israel every day in our hearts and our souls?

Yesterday the Israeli author and historian, Michael Oren wrote of the challenges Israel has faced and faces, and then wrote of what the United States and Israel share: "...values -- the respect for civic rights and the rule of law that (are) shared by the world's most powerful republic and the Middle East's only stable democracy." There is also Israel's determination to fight terror, and its willingness to share its anti-terror expertise. Most fundamentally, though, is the amity between the two countries' peoples. The admiration which the U.S. inspires among Israelis is overwhelmingly reciprocated by Americans, more than 70% of whom, according to recent polls, favor robust ties with the Jewish state." We, as Jewish-Americans, can take justifiable pride in our contributions to the growth of the State over these 60 years and to the reaffirmation we make year in and year out to the People of Israel, to our history, to our present and to our future -- united and together.

Israel continues to inspire us. Together, the Jewish People are writing new chapters in modern Jewish history every day. We shall commit ourselves to the creative survival of Jewish Peoplehood now and forever.

Israel at 60!! Am Yisrael Chai!!


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